It's the yummiest time of the month, my Nature Box came today!
Again, this box is in beta testing, so they chose the 5 snacks that I received.
This month the 5 snacks included:
1. Mango Almond Bites:
I really like these! They are kind of like a rice cake, but have some almond and mango in for texture and flavor.
2. Whole Wheat Lemon Figgy Bars:
These have a darker filling than I expected, but are so yummy! The zesty lemon taste is so good! These are also quite filling. 5 come in a bag.
3. Chia Seed Crackers:
These are very yummy! Crunchy & salty equals a perfect snack! The bag is so full too!
4. Cashew Crumble:
These are not what I expected, they are cluster of cashews and cookies. I love cashews...and cookies haha! This combination actually tastes very good to me!
5. Acai Berry Crunch:
This is a good granola, a few larger clusters, but mostly small pieces which make it a bit tough to eat on it's own. It'll be good in yoghurt though!
Overall, I really enjoyed this box. It costs $19.95 USD plus $4.95 USD for shipping. The shipping was very fast. I can't wait to see what is coming next month! Try Nature Box for yourself, click here.
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